Who’s who at Re-Vision

Anthea Benjamin is a UKCP & BACP registered Integrative Arts Psychotherapist, Play therapist, Adolescent therapist, Group analyst, Supervisor, Trainer and Writer who has worked in the NHS, residential, private and community settings for over 20 years. Anthea is currently studying for a PHD at Surrey University on the experiences of black women going through therapy trainings. Anthea is the founder and facilitator for the Black Researchers’ Forum. As well as her work with Re-Vision she also runs staff reflective groups, team supervision, provides organisational consultancy and holds a small private practice in south London.

Deborah Berger is a UKCP registered psychotherapist who trained at Re-Vision. She is qualified to work with individuals, couples, as a supervisor and as a wild therapist. She is co-coordinator of the  Psychotherapy training and is a supervisor (Stages 4 and 5) and trainer (Stages 2, 3, 4 and 5). She is also part of the supervision team at Spiral Therapy Centre, a local community low cost service in north London. Deborah has an ongoing interest in the complex issues of culture, heritage, difference and oppression.

Sophie Clarke is a BACP accredited Person-centred Counsellor, with a Diploma and BA from the Metanoia Institute. She brings extensive experience of counselling adults in both an agency setting and in private practice, with a particular focus on working with complex trauma. She has a Certificate in Integrative Supervision from Re-Vision and is a stage 2 Re-Vision supervisor. She also supervises for Metanoia and in her private practice. She works as a trainer for Into the Light and ACT, two organizations offering counselling and support for survivors of sexual abuse. She is training to become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

Joan CrawfordJoan Crawford BA, MSc trained as a dramatherapist and is a UKCP registered psychotherapist. She has a private practice with both clients and supervisees. Her background includes broadcasting, running a fringe theatre and living in a meditation centre. She completed her psychotherapy training at Re-Vision. Her most current interest is in ecopsychology and the ways in which the wider context of planetary crisis may be impacting clients. After many years in a variety of training roles and within Re-Vision management Joan became a Re-Vision elder in 2024.

John Daniel is a UKCP registered psychotherapist and a member of BACP. He has been working in private practice since qualifying from the Psychosynthesis Trust in 2008 and works as both a psychotherapist with adults and a supervisor. In addition to being a trainer at Re-Vision, John is also a training supervisor at the Minster Centre and a trainer at the Psychosynthesis Trust. He has a special interest in issues of diversity in relation to gender and sexuality, as well as in ethics and working with trauma and addiction. He has been editor of the BACP Private Practice journal for 10 years.

Jessica Davies A re-vision trained counsellor and psychotherapist, Jessica is UKCP registered and a BACP member. With a private practice in south west London where she works in-person and online, Jessica is also a practicing spiritual director. At re-vision, Jessica is a tutor for the weekend Stage One Foundation (Soul’s Journey) course.


Lynda Drinkwater is a UKCP registered Psychotherapist who trained at Re-Vision. She has a private practice, is a supervisor and has several roles at Re-Vision including: facilitating the Personal Development course; introductory events team and Transitions team; supervisor for stage 2; admin support and oversees the library. Lynda is also a supervisor for the Spiral therapy centre.

Müge Erdo?mu? TurnbullMüge Erdogmus Turnbull is a UKCP accredited psychotherapist trained at Re-Vision, Dramatherapist (Sesame trained) and supervisor. She holds an MA and BA in Counselling. She has done long term work with children, young people and adults who experienced abuse and trauma. Currently in private practice with clients and supervisees, she also regularly facilitates groups that focus on relational and creative depth work. Her therapeutic interests include post Jungian studies, trauma and the body, myth, fairytales and dreamwork. Müge is a tutor for the Advanced Psychotherapy Diploma, also a trainer for the Introductory team events and Transitions.

Esther FroyEsther Froy BA (Hons) MSc (Voluntary Sector Management) is the Programme Manager for Re-Vision. Before joining Re-Vision Esther worked as a Registration Manager in Births, Deaths and Marriages, and prior to this in the Charity Sector for over 15 years in both strategic and operational roles. As well as her role at Re-Vision she is also an Independent Funeral Celebrant.
Esther’s passions are; self-development, yoga (Yin Yoga, Kundalini and Restorative), meditation, pranayama, homeopathy and psychology.


Juan Gonzalez is a tutor for Stage 3 of the Counselling Diploma and the Psychotherapy post-diploma training.  Juan is a graduate of Re-vision’s Diploma in Counselling and a graduate of the Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy.  Accordingly, Juan is a registered member of the BACP and UKCP.  In addition, Juan runs a private practice in London (NW2) working online and in-person.

Cathy Lasher joined Re-Vision as Training Director in September 2023 having previously held the positions of Director of Studies Dip/MSc Humanistic, Programme Leader, BSc (Hons) in Reflective Therapeutic Practice and Module Leader, PGCertHE (Teaching and Learning in Counselling and Psychotherapy) at Metanoia Institute. She is a UKCP accredited integrative relational psychotherapist and supervisor, seeing clients in private practice in Nottingham and occasionally in Central London. She has formal qualifications as an educator, and a relational psychotherapist, and is also a chartered accountant and has an MBA.

Deborah Lyttelton is a UKCP-registered psychotherapist and supervisor who trained at Re-Vision. She works in private practice. As well as her private practice, she has experience of working as a psychotherapist in the NHS and the voluntary sector. She has extensive experience of working with survivors of sexual and domestic violence and has also worked with perpetrators. She is now a supervisor on Stages 2 & 3, having co-ordinated and supervised Re-Vision’s Low Cost Counselling Service for seven years prior to joining the training team in 2020.

Nicky Marshall is a UKCP registered psychotherapist and BACP accredited senior practitioner. She has a particular interest in relationship dynamics, our relationship with the other than human world, and the ethics of practice. She has a background in Mental Health, working with addictions and with survivors of sexual abuse in childhood. Nicky is Stage 3 Co-ordinator at Re-Vision, and teaches and supervises on the counselling and psychotherapy training as well as the Couples and Supervision courses.

Claudine Maguire BSc., MA, MSc is a UKCP registered psychotherapist. She has a private practice and works for statutory organisations, including Local Authorities. Her background includes social work, working with bereaved families, training Local Authority staff in working therapeutically and developing systemic approaches in social services. She completed her psychotherapy training at Re-Vision and her Family and Systemic Psychotherapy training at the Institute of Family Therapy.

Sophie NevilleSophia Neville is UKCP registered and BACP accredited and holds a qualification in Supervision.  She has been working in the field for over 25 years and completed her Psychotherapy training at Re-Vision.  She has a long term interest in Jungian theory and has continued to develop ideas that were seeded by his circle and followers.  Regularly holding Dream Workshops, Sophia has many years of experience of respectful listening to the images, stories and figures coming to us from the Unconscious.

Jo-Ann Roden photoJo-Ann Roden is a UKCP registered and BACP registered/accredited psychotherapist and an integrative supervisor. She originally studied experimental psychology and philosophy and retains an interest in the problem of dualistic thinking in theory and method. Jo trained at Re-Vision and now teaches on and coordinates the psychotherapy post-diploma training. She has an ongoing interest in how early attachment is implicated in addiction.

Joel Simpson is a UKCP registered psychotherapist, interpersonal group facilitator, trainer and supervisor. With an MA in Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, Joel works with education and social justice agencies, alongside enterprises that nurture arts, media and culture sector practitioners. Joel has presented several conference keynotes and co-facilitates BAATN’s Heart Hub for queer-identifying practitioners. Joel has written chapters for ‘Therapy In Colour: Intersectional, Anti-Racist and Intercultural Approaches’ (2023) and ‘Relationally Queer: A Pink Therapy Guide for Practitioners’ (2023). Through celebrancy, Joel co-creates soulful, love-centred, ceremonies: for intimate partnerships, naming rituals and end-of-life thresholds.

Mary Smail is both a Psychotherapist and Sesame trained Dramatherapist, working in private practice, under the name of SoulWorks UK. Mary works on the Transitions team, teaches the Loss weekend on Stage 3, and Stories of Soul Making on Stage 4. She co-authored Dramatherapy with Myth and Fairy tale – 53 healing stories, and has written several other published chapters. Outside, Re-Vision, Mary created and convenes the course Psyche and Soma which looks at the “reversed curriculum” of inner soul wisdom, secular spirituality and how this manifest into a troubled world through the healing arts.

Ian Tromp graduated from Re-Vision’s counselling training in 2008, and completed supervision training in 2019. He is a Senior Accredited member of the BACP, and has been in private practice as a counsellor since 2009, and as a supervisor since 2015. Ian has recently completed training as an accredited yoga teacher. He previously worked in a number of charities, and as a freelance writer, and has published poetry, essays, and fiction in various journals and magazines.

unnamedMark Van Gogh is a UKCP registered psychotherapist. He works in private practice and as a trainer and supervisor at Re-Vision. Alongside Sarah Van Gogh Mark co-teaches the weekend Stage 1 Foundation year of the Counselling Diploma. He is co-founder of a programme for men entitled The Soul of Men, and teaches courses on Jung and Psychosynthesis at City Lit.

Sarah Van GoghSarah Van Gogh  has worked as a BACP accredited counsellor in private practice for many years. As well as working at Re-Vision she has been a counsellor and trainer for Survivors UK, a charity that provides support to men who have experienced sexual violation, and a supervisor for volunteer counsellors in a central London bereavement service. She read English at Cambridge University, and has worked in theatre, community health and adult education. She has written about the vital connection between the expressive arts and therapy in a number of journals. Sarah is the Stage Co-ordinator for Stage 1 of the counselling diploma at Re-Vision, and also teaches on Stages 2 and 3. She is the author of ‘Helping Male Survivors to Recover’ published in 2018 by Jessica Kingsley. She is also the co editor, with Chris Robertson, of ‘Transformation in Troubled Times. Re-Vision’s Soulful Approach to Therapeutic Work‘ published by Transpersonal Press. 

Jane WeinbergJane Weinberg LLM holds a Diploma in Integrative Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy, has a background in law and education and a particular interest in working with groups and young people. She is a UKCP registered psychotherapist with a private practice in South London and is a supervisor and trainer. Jane is an interpersonal group facilitator on stages 1 -3 of the counselling diploma. She also teaches the Difference and diversity module on stage 3.

Kate Whiting is the Business Director responsible for the overall business direction of Re-Vision – finance, staffing, premises and promotion as well as working closely day to day with Mel and Tara, the administrators – and the Training Director. Before joining Re-Vision Kate was a theatre producer in commercial and publicly funded sectors, managing national tours, council run services and regional theatres. Training in music at Oxford University, Kate teaches piano and sings regularly in a female acapella quartet, local chamber choirs and a band as well as performing and conducting as musical director in amateur theatrical productions.

Mary-Claire Wilson is a UKCP registered psychotherapist with an MA in Integrative Psychotherapy. She works in private practice as a psychotherapist and supervisor. She’s a Professional Member of the Association for Counselling and Therapy Online (ACTO) and a member of the Body Psychotherapy Network. At Re-Vision, Mary-Claire is a trainer on Stage 1, teaches with the Difference and Diversity team on Stages 2 and 3, and facilitates video groups on Stage 3. She previously worked in the fields of creative writing and art journalism. Her first MA was in English Language and Literature from Oxford University.

Suzanne Worrica is a Gestalt psychotherapist, trainer and facilitator running a private practice. She is Gestalt trainer (Stage 2) and an interpersonal group facilitator on Stage 1 at Re-Vision. She is a also a facilitator and assessor at the Nature Therapy School and designs and delivers CPD for counselling/psychotherapy training organisations. Her ongoing research focuses on applying Gestalt field theory to experiences of and interconnections between belonging and identity, ancestral embodied knowledge and the natural world. She has worked for over 15 years in health and public services including NHS, voluntary sector and community settings. Suzanne originally trained at the Gestalt Centre London, where she is a guest tutor. She holds a Diploma in Nature Allied Psychotherapy and an M.A. in Writing for Performance.

Neil Young is a UKCP-registered integrative arts psychotherapist, working in private practice, and an interpersonal group facilitator at Re-Vision. Neil is a facilitator and assessor at the Institute for Arts and Therapy in Education (IATE) and co-facilitates a Gender, Sex & Sexuality module at HOMA. Neil is passionate about fostering inclusive therapeutic group spaces, which allow exploration of embodied feelings, heart-felt edges and intergenerational/ancestral legacies.  With over 25 years of experience, as a project manager, researcher and advocate, Neil founded Mosaic LGBT+ Young People’s Trust in London and served as an LGBT advisor to the first two Mayors of London. Neil also delivers training for organizations like Kooth and The Sunflower Network and co-authored a chapter in Queering Psychotherapy (2022)


Shelley Adams
Before retiring Shelley had over 25 years’ experience as a Chief Executive of quangos, an Executive Director of a London Borough, and an organisational consultant. She focused on strength based organisational change, partnership working across different sectors, financial turnaround, strategy and transforming performance in complex organisations. She has expertise in public/private sector partnerships, regeneration and training. She has served on Not for Profit Boards and governing bodies.

In her early career she was a Law lecturer, then worked in trade union and community based organisations, with a particular focus on equal pay, discrimination and employment rights, and shop steward training. She retrained as a counsellor with Re-Vision, qualifying in 2013 and has worked for several years as a bereavement counsellor on a voluntary basis in a local hospice in Leeds, West Yorkshire, where she now lives.

Justine Brooks – biog to follow

Audrey Stephenson studied at Tufts University, gaining her first interdisciplinary degree in a mix of Pre-Law and Social Psychology. She followed that up with research at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, before working for a couple years in legal research whilst stalling Law School. Criminology linked her love of psychology and the law and Cambridge University called across the pond. She got her Masters and then moved to London, studying for a PhD while starting her consulting career at the Serious Fraud Office and a fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. She stepped off the academic train at the eleventh hour, going into economic crime security consulting. A long and tangled road led her back to psychology, after 15 years of being a criminologist, then retraining as a therapist.

Her current practice reflects a broad clientele bringing issues of – stress, stuckness, anxiety, fractured relationships, dissatisfaction with life, addictive or compulsive behaviours and feelings of failure and overwhelm, to name a few. Audrey has trained counsellors for over a decade and regularly guest lectures trainees at pre and post qualification levels (4-6). Audrey works as a supervisor for integratively trained therapists, individually and in groups, both in person and via video. Audrey also runs self development seminars and is a public speaker.