Work with Re-Vision

We are currently recruiting for a Training Administrator and Trustees. As well as the job descriptions below please also familiarise yourself with the background documents linked to on this page to better understand the organisation, as well as looking through the web site as a whole.
Training Administrator part-time

Re-Vision’s training offers a creative, contemporary approach to counselling and psychotherapy, combining a transpersonal and soulful perspective with clinical excellence. We are looking for an experienced administrator to join our team and take responsibility for administrative and student support on particular stages of our counselling and psychotherapy training, external events, our student library and our Low Cost Counselling Service (LCCS).

This is a part time role of 21 hours per week to be worked over regular days by agreement.

Training Administrator part-time Job Description

How to apply
Send an email to with two attachments as word documents or if necessary, PDFs: 1) your CV and 2) a covering letter which clearly and explicitly shows how you meet the person specification attached to the job description.

Please put your name and the title of the job you are applying for in the subject line of your application email.

Make sure that each of your attachments are titled both with your name and with the post you are applying for – and ensure that this information is also clear in the body of the document. Please send attachments as word documents or PDFs. Please include the names and contact details (preferably email) of two referees, one of whom should be your current or most recent employer, on your CV or covering letter.

Closing Date
The closing date is Sunday 15 December 2024 and we are hoping to interview (via Zoom) early in January 2025.

Board of Trustees
We are looking to widen the membership of Re-Vision Board of Trustees. We are looking for people who are creative, flexible, and can empathise with Re-Vision’s culture and vision.  Trustees meet a minimum of 4 times a year with a mixture of online and in person meetings. This position is unremunerated, however, reasonable expenses will be covered. 

We welcome applications from anyone, and look to celebrate difference across the organisation such as disability, ethnicity, heritage, gender, sexuality, religion, socio-economic background or other difference.

Trustee Recruitment Information

To Apply – please send us your CV and a covering letter referring to what draws you to the role, and how your qualifications and experience qualify you for the position to

Organisational Information

What is Re-Vision
Re-Vision Mission Statement
Re-Vision Ethos
Revision Structure
What is Re-Vision
Re-Vision Model of Mind
Re-Vision Equal Opportunities policy

Additional background documents
Re-Vision History
Re-Vision Code of Practice
Re-Vision Community Forum Brief


Re-Vision training takes place primarily at our premises in NW6, with a small number of events taking place in external venues or online.