Counselling Training
Accredited by BACP and UKCP
Next intake Autumn 2025
“The uncertainty about what the client and I are here for, is what we are here for” – James Hillman
There are two intakes for the foundation year each autumn
We offer the choice of a weekday or weekend format which cover exactly the same ground. The weekday format will run on every Tuesday (11am – 6pm) in term time. The weekend format has training sessions mainly at weekends (on average one weekend a month) and some flexibility in the timetable for tutor groups one session a month separate from the weekend training. Students attending either format will attend both the Winter and Summer Residentials in January and July.
We plan to open applications for our 2025 autumn intake in spring 2025. To be ready to apply please book onto Transitions in good time, and if you would like further details of our training please email
Character of this training
This is a three-year, part time course leading to the award of a BACP and UKCP accredited Diploma in Integrative Transpersonal Counselling. The training runs from October to July each year with training sessions one weekend a month (or every Tuesday in term time for one Stage 1 Group).
The theoretical approach pioneered at Re-Vision uses a circular re-visioning of the pre-ego-trans model from the work of Ken Wilber as a framework to integrate concepts from Jungian, Gestalt, relational, psychodynamic, neuroscience, body psychotherapy and family systems theory as well as developmental and archetypal psychology and ecopsychology. Through this, we combine a spiritual perspective with down-to-earth high quality therapeutic skills. Spirit without soul has no containing vessel and soul without spirit loses direction and becomes self-absorbed. A functional, mature, and not overly heroic ego is necessary to manifest spiritual and soulful longings in the world. The Re-Vision approach aims to marry soul and spirit – soul’s delight in the detail of everyday life with the spirit’s awareness of the bigger picture of which we are a connected part.
The growing awareness in contemporary psychotherapy that there is no single right answer or method demands flexibility on the part of the counsellor and a willingness to hold uncertainty. Counsellors need to be able to adapt their style of working to the specific needs of each client. A pluralistic, integrative training such as Re-Vision’s invites a partnership with the client rather than attempting to deliver the solution.
Distinguishing features of the training:
- A balanced integration between limitation and potential, dark and light.
- An approach to early disturbance in which wounding is seen as a gateway to soul.
- An integrative method for working with transference and countertransference
- A view of counselling as a mutual healing involving both counsellor and client
- A selective intake which ensures small training groups
- Highly skilled trainers with many years’ experience
- Clear separation of the roles of training and personal psychotherapy
Course components
This is a certificate course for those who wish to explore their individual journey, as well as providing a solid grounding for the Counselling Diploma training. It offers the student a coherent picture of the psychological journey of individuation within a spiritual perspective. It looks at the development of the ego and its defences from birth to adulthood and the soul’s expression of archetypal patterns of destiny. Each developmental phase of the individuation process is explored through mythological stories, group work, imaginal exercises and theoretical models. This course is a prerequisite to the Counselling Training.
Course Format for weekend format October 2024- July 2025
- Orientation day
- Eight monthly training weekends
- Eight mid-month tutor groups
- Winter Residential (Friday-Sunday) January 2025
- Residential Summer School (Monday-Friday) July 2025
Course Format for Weekday format October 2024 – July 2025
- Term 1 Oct- Dec: 11 Tuesdays (11am-6pm)
- Term 2 Jan-March: 9 Tuesdays (11am -6pm) plus Winter Residential
- Term 3 April-June: 9 Tuesdays (11am -6pm) plus Summer Residential
- Winter Residential (Friday-Sunday) January 2025
- Residential Summer School (Monday-Friday) July 2025
This first year of the Counselling Diploma shifts the focus from the self-exploration undertaken in the Foundation Year to the professional application of the principles of the Re-Vision model. During the autumn students develop the skills to prepare them for taking on clients. In the spring they begin counselling in a suitable voluntary agency or other placement. The 2nd and 3rd terms are devoted to building confidence in the role, deepening and applying an understanding of Integrative Transpersonal Counselling, and developing a basic repertoire of counselling skills and strategies.
Course Format
- 9 monthly training weekends
- 9 mid-month tutor groups
- 9 interpersonal groups
- 14 supervision groups
- 3 video supervision groups
- Winter Residential (Friday-Sunday usually 3rd weekend in January)
- Residential Summer School (4 nights in July)
This final stage of the counselling training is intended to deepen the integration of theory and skills and to support the student in the development of their craft as a practitioner. Key elements in this process are learning to re-vision diagnosis as seeing through to the underlying story of the soul, developing a context that is meaningful to the client’s unfolding direction, understanding clients’ unconscious communications, recognising and working with transference and countertransference, and being sensitive to, and able to confront, shadow issues. By the end of the training, students will be able to monitor the clinical effectiveness of their counselling work, and to learn from and creatively respond to ‘mistakes’, within the context of an ethically grounded and intimate therapeutic relationship.
Course Format
- 9 training weekends
- 12 supervision groups and 9 individual supervision sessions
- 30 interpersonal groups, study groups, tutorials and video skills groups
- Winter Residential (Friday-Sunday January)
- Residential Summer School (4 nights in July)
Application procedure
Applicants need to have attended our Transitions Course. Full details of this and how to apply can be obtained from the Re-Vision office on or use the contact form on this site. You can also find out more by attending our taster or other introductory events
To join the foundation year:
Applicants should be willing to undertake at least 35 weekly individual sessions of individual counselling or psychotherapy. In addition, they must have completed the Transitions course and fulfil some or all of the following criteria:
- Previous experience of personal therapy
- Previous experience of self-development activity
- Life experience and emotional/psychological maturity
- Previous experience of working within a group
- Capacity for critical self reflection
- Capacity for independent study
- Personal resilience to cope with the demands of the training
- Ability to relate authentically and stay with painful emotional experience
- Self-awareness and a capacity to be appropriately contained
- Ability to talk and think reflectively and non-defensively about issues of equality, diversity and inclusion
It is also important that you have given thought to meeting the costs of the course, including the cost of personal therapy and travel. Please note that each year there will be a small number of bursaries available in the range of 50-60% for those students who best meet all our criteria and would not otherwise be able to take up a place on the training. Full details are available along with the application information.
Ideally we would expect applicants to have had a minimum of 6 months individual therapy as an adult. At the same time, we want to encourage applicants from under-represented groups in counselling and psychotherapy trainings; if this might apply to you, we will be happy to receive an application and will take into account your individual circumstances.
Students who successfully complete the training will receive a Diploma in Integrative Transpersonal Counselling, and be eligible for entry into the BACP Voluntary Register of Counsellors. The Diploma will also make graduates eligible for BACP accreditation and UKCP registration as a therapeutic counsellor when relevant post qualifying experience has been achieved.
Our current fees can be found by clicking here: Counselling & psychotherapy fees 2024 – 2025 and include all training and residential costs, and the cost of training supervision, but not that of personal therapy.
We offer a number of bursary awards which can reduce the cost of the training for candidates specifically from groups under-represented in the profession who would otherwise be unable to afford the training. Unfortunately the training is not eligible for student or adult learner loans.
Additional Costs of Training to Consider (more details on fee sheet above)
Personal therapy – Students are expected to engage in a minimum number of hours of personal therapy per academic year (minimum 35 hours per year for counselling students, minimum 40 hours per year for psychotherapy students). You will have to self-fund this therapy.
Professional membership – All students are required to be members of a professional body. Counselling students are required to become members of BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) or NCPS (National Counseling and Psychotherapy Society) from the start of Stage 2 onwards. All students who are seeing clients are also encouraged to become trainee members of UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy).
Insurance – While you are on placement or if you are working privately, you will need insurance. Some placements organisational insurance will cover you, but if not, then you will need to take out your own insurance. You will need to determine the type and level of cover that is right for your particular circumstances. There is a helpful list of insurance companies that cover therapeutic work which you can find at
Data protection – The Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018 requires every organisation or sole trader who processes personal information to pay a data protection fee to the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) unless they are exempt. Many placement providers will have organisational registration in place, which means you do not need to register yourself (because you are in such cases not the ‘data controller’).
“Re-Vision’s training not only gives you the skills you need for a career in counselling but dares you to look into the depths of your soul. The training here is meaningful, enriching and held by a strong sense of community. It profoundly impacts on all aspects of your life.”
Dave Clogg (Graduate)
“There is no doubt that the course provides students with a high quality training.”
Gerry Wilmore, External Examiner
Re-Vision is an educational charity set up in 1988 for the purpose of offering an integrative and transpersonal approach to counselling, grounded in good practice. Re-Vision also offers the following courses: Post-Diploma Psychotherapy training over two years, UKCP accredited; Diploma in Supervision with Soul (UKCP accreditation applied for); Personal and Professional development programmes.
For further information, please contact: The Administrator, Re-Vision, 97 Brondesbury Road, London NW6 6RY Tel: 020 8357 8881
Last updated 10/09/2024