Supervision Training
Diploma in Supervision with Soul 2025
“A soulful relationship is at the heart of supervision”
The principle aim of this training is to bring together the professional standards of good supervision with the depth and quality of a transpersonal perspective that honours the life of the soul. It will allow participants to develop their supervisory skills and seek a suitable training in support of an application for supervisor accreditation.
This training is both open and challenging. While recognising that supervision is a multi-layered process, requiring a high degree of reflexive awareness, it is not value-free. This training brings the supervision relationship to the foreground of supervision practice and demands the supervisor use themselves in a transparent and authentic manner.
The integrative approach enables us to supervise across a range of theoretical orientations, while allowing the individual’s own values to form the central pillar of their understanding.
Training format
This part-time training takes place in two sections. The first part comprises the six weekends outlined. There are no written assignments apart from a reflective self-evaluation of a piece of live supervision undertaken as an online recording in small self organised groups. Participants are strongly recommended to undertake peer practicums on-line in between weekends.
The second part consists of 40 hours of supervision practice supervised by a Re-Vision supervisor with the rate of 1 hour of supervision to 5 hours of practice, the writing of a case study and completion of a final self assessment, accompanied by a satisfactory supervisor’s report. It may be commenced any time within three years of completing the certificate. For those already in practice, there will be a possibility of completing the diploma in tandem with the certificate.
Dates- please note these have been update
Training weekends February – September 2025.
The weekends will take place at an few accessible central London venues.
Fees: £2,500.
Bursaries: We are able to offer a small number of bursary places up to 50% for this 2025 course. Bursary applications will be agreed by a formally constituted awarding panel and will be considered on the basis of financial need and under-representation in the profession, in particular ethnicity. To apply for a bursary please request a form with your training application.
Weekend modules
1: From therapist to supervisor 22-23 February 2025 with Nicky Marshall
What do we look for in a supervisor? By looking at our assumptions and beliefs we can begin to build a picture of good supervision based on experience, and in relation to three classic roles for supervision, we clarify what nourishes or stunts the supervisory alliance
2: The Soul of Supervision 29-30 March 2025 with Jo-Ann Roden
From where in ourselves do we supervise? While so much theory is ego based, this module will help supervisors open to the mystery that operates through the relationship. Drawing on Jung’s idea of synchronicity to deepen the work of parallel process, we will explore the archetypal influences on the supervisory couple, and the integration of creative techniques to support the process. , examining both hopes and fears in each of us.
3: Maps and Models of Supervision 3-4 May 2025 with Nicky Marshall
We will explore the role of theory in helping the supervisor structure the complexity of attending to both client and supervisory relationships. Working with a variety of models, we address the supervisory task while remaining authentic and true to our own voice.
4: Power Dynamics in the Supervisory Process 7-8 June 2025 with Deborah Berger and Jo-Ann Roden
This module introduces a creative model for group supervision, which includes working with parallel process and field dynamics. This exciting approach frees up the supervisor to work with implicit group patterns which reflect on the therapist/client dyad.
5: The Field of Supervision and Supervising Groups 12-13 July 2025 with Deborah Berger and Nicky Marshall
We will explore power differentials across the supervisory roles to explicate implicit assumptions and see how power can be misused or insufficiently used. We will look at negative transference and the management of conflict to find the creative edge in supervision.
6: Creative Ethics and Supervision 6-7 September 2025 with Deborah Berger and Jo-Ann Roden
This final module, which will also give time to ending the course and saying goodbye, will give attention to the sorts of ethical challenges that are often brought to supervision, and how these can be worked with creatively, holding the client in mind.
Learning Style
The training team bring together different theoretical orientations within a transpersonal and integrative framework. They draw on a rich experience of psychotherapy and supervision and offer a lively, experiential and well-informed approach to learning. Re-Vision uses an ‘inside-out’ method, encouraging students to integrate skills into their own reality rather than using them as a technical means to an end.
Why this training?
This training manages to be open and yet challenging. While recognising that supervision is a multi-layered process, requiring a high degree of reflexive awareness, it is not value-free. This training brings the supervision relationship to the foreground of supervision practice and demands the supervisor use themselves in a transparent and authentic manner.
The integrative approach enables us to supervise across a range of theoretical orientations, while allowing the individual’s own values to form the central pillar of their understanding.
Who is it for?
This training is open to qualified counsellors and psychotherapists, with experience, who:
- wish to develop their supervisory skills within an integrative and transpersonal perspective
- seek a suitable training in support of an application for supervisor accreditation
What are the practical benefits?
- develop your professional competence and creative capacities of supervision
- broaden your knowledge base with models of supervisory practice
- clarify the functions of supervision and how these can serve the life of the soul
- build on your previous training in an integrative and transpersonal framework
- reconnect to your sense of vocation and values within a peer learning community
Minimum entry requirements
Applicants are expected to be qualified counsellors to diploma level from a recognised course that is comparable with that of Re-Vision. They will be expected to have at least two years post-qualification experience as a counsellor.
Participants will receive a Certificate in Supervision with Soul at the end of the first part, the six training weekends and self-reflective written piece.
The second part, which may be started at any point within 3 years, consists of eight hours of supervision with a course approved trainer, 40 hours of supervision practice, a 5,000 word case study and a written self assessment. If you are already in practice as a supervisor, it may be possible to undertake part 2 in tandem with part 1. On successful completion, students will receive a Diploma in Supervision. UKCP registrants who complete the Diploma will be eligible for inclusion on the UKCP Supervisors Directory.
Application process
Please consider the following questions:
- Why do you want to do this training?
- How do you intend to use it?
- How do you satisfy the entry requirements above? (Please detail training, relevant qualifications and field of experience.)
- Please supply the name and contact details of your current supervisor for a reference.
Send your answers together with details of your name, occupation, contact address, telephone number and email address to
We will also need a non-returnable application fee of £50 which can be sent by bank transfer – details will be provided following your email application as above. You may be asked to attend for interview.
“Supervision is the crucible where the craft of psychotherapy gets formed and transformed.”
Previous students have said:
“This training has been both solid and inspiring, covering professional ground while bringing in a profound depth that has rekindled my excitement about supervision.”
“I felt both held and challenged which reflects the qualities of a good supervisor.”
“After years of practising alone, it was wonderful to be learning together with other practitioners in a well-orchestrated group.”
Deborah Berger is a UKCP registered psychotherapist who trained at Re-Vision. She is qualified to work with individuals, couples, as a supervisor and as a wild therapist. She is co-coordinator of the Psychotherapy training and is a supervisor (Stages 4 and 5) and trainer (Stages 2, 3, 4 and 5). She is also part of the supervision team at Spiral Therapy Centre, a local community low cost service in north London. Deborah has an ongoing interest in the complex issues of culture, heritage, difference and oppression.
Nicky Marshall is a UKCP registered psychotherapist and BACP accredited senior practitioner. She has a particular interest in relationship dynamics, our relationship with the other than human world, and the ethics of practice. She has a background in Mental Health, working with addictions and with survivors of sexual abuse in childhood. Nicky is Stage 3 Co-ordinator at Re-Vision, and teaches and supervises on the counselling and psychotherapy training as well as the Couples and Supervision courses.
Jo-Ann Roden is a UKCP registered and BACP registered/accredited psychotherapist and an integrative supervisor. She originally studied experimental psychology and philosophy and retains an interest in the problem of dualistic thinking in theory and method. Jo trained at Re-Vision and now works as a tutor on stages 1 to 5. She has an ongoing interest in how early attachment is implicated in addiction. Jo is a study tutor on stages 2-3 of the cd and stages 4-5 of the psychotherapy post-dip. Jo teaches on and coordinates the psychotherapy post-diploma training.
See a printable flyer for the course here: Supervision flyer 2025 V2
Last updated 11/12/2024